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Privacy policy

1. Commitment to Processing Personal Data and its Processing

1.1. By signing this document, you confirm that you are informed, with your consent, about the processing of your personal data, which we access when you interact with our internet platforms and services arising from our business activities, and by filling out forms on our website or otherwise providing your personal data to us, you confirm and declare your consent for the processing of personal data provided by you for us to process.

Please note that the personal data provided by you is processed by LLC “Tsre Community” at the address: Zandukeli 15, Tbilisi; Number: 405638644.

Also, you declare that you consent to provide your personal information to a third party for the provision of services. For example, Archie, TBC Bank, Google Analytics, Framer (a website on this platform), Hotjar (an analytics program), Amazon Web Services and other companies whose technical services we use for service provision.

By voluntarily declaring and confirming your commitment to processing personal data, including but not limited to, name and surname, age, gender, address, email address, telephone number, and/or other personal information, you may achieve the following goal(s):

  • Improvement of our business operations and the provision of services arising therefrom;

  • Providing information about promotions, marketing offers, company information, business operations of the company, and offers (offers), including special offers and/or advertising material distribution/recognition purposes;

  • Improving the quality of services and/or updating them;

  • Processing and responding to questions received from you, with the aim of processing and providing answers, feedback purposes.

2. Refusal to the Processing of Personal Data

Please note that you may withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending a written notice to, in which case the Company will stop processing your personal data for which you have refused to process. Please note that refusal to process personal information is allowed only after suspension/termination of membership;

3. Personal Data Confidentiality

The company does not disclose your personal data to third parties except under the following circumstances:

  • With your consent;

  • In compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

  • Transfer of personal data for state bodies and/or law enforcement agencies or final executor bodies if the requested transfer is based on effective legislation and/or for the protection of legitimate interests of individuals;

  • Participation in the implementation of relevant laws, compliance objectives, including, among them, withdrawal from the judicial/arbitration/media process or involvement in the process and consideration of requests made or based on the authority of a public authority.

  • For the purpose of ensuring security, preventing fraud, resolving disputes, addressing technical problems, or for any other purpose related to their protection or assistance in such situations;

  • In other circumstances where it is necessary to disclose such information and transfer it to third parties, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

4. Duration of processing and storage of personal data

We will store your personal data and process them for the purposes specified in the relevant document for as long as an necessary to fulfill the activities specified in this document, or as long as it is necessary under applicable law. For example, we may store your personal data if it is necessary for any legal obligations, compliance requests, investigations, or objectives of judicial/arbitration/media processes.

5. Cookies

The company uses automated systems, such as Cookies. A cookie is a device that is transferred to the user's hard drive. It allows the Internet user to access their personal information/data, which is provided to us through our internet platforms and other services, in accordance with the relevant document provided at the beginning of the document. Cookies are distributed through our servers, so no one can access the content of this information. Please note that any internet browser may have the option to delete Cookies after each session/visit. Your internet browser contains instructions on Cookie deletion procedures. Therefore, if you want to delete Cookies, please refer to the instructions for your internet browser. Obtaining data through automatic data collection processes and using Cookies requires your consent to use our internet platforms and services. If you start the process of deleting Cookies, the company cannot guarantee that all web pages of the company will be displayed or that the provision, viewing, or delivery/fulfillment of specific services, services, or other information requested by you will be completed.

If you do not want your internet browser to receive Cookies, you can disable the function in the browser settings.

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შპს. წრე ქომიუნითი. 2024

შპს. წრე ქომიუნითი. 2024