get to work in Tsre
Keep this page open while you follow the steps
Open the entrance (Green door)
On Monday-Friday at 10:15-13:00, you can walk in the space and find the manager who will guide you on what to do, otherwise please follow the next steps.
Connect to our wifi
Name: Tsre Coworking
Password: ComeTogether!
register your account
Follow this link to register
When you finish registration, you will get an email with a subject - "Finish onboarding to Tsre Coworking".
Open that email and click "Join Tsre Coworking", there you'll set the password for your account.
Download our app
Now you need to download our app, and then log in:
Archie for iOS
Archie for Android
If your Android version isn't supported, you can try to download the app from Apkpure or an alternative app store
get your membership
You'll find the membership options in Archie's store 

After you choose your membership:
1. Add it to the cart
2. Click on the cart icon on the top right to check out
3. Click Next
4. Click Pay (You don't need to select a payment method before)
5. Wait for the payment page to load and follow the steps from the bank
did you choose a day pass?
Day pass needs to be activated after getting it. Please follow these steps:
1. Go to the middle menu of Archie
2. Click Check-in on your day pass
If you don't see your day pass, please restart the app
3. Select the time you wish to activate the day pass
Keep in mind that the time you select is when your day pass will get activated, so if you're already at the door select the time in the past
4. Click Check-in
Your membership is activated and you can click
in app to open the door